CAD Systems

Subject code: NMXST1NMNE

Course code: ST1_LA_MECH_ENG

Academic year: 2019/2020, spring semester


Actual information

Course will be continued in distance education form from 23. March 2020. Course requirements were modified for the changed form of course. Please attend the Moodle system to access information about the course and the actual requirements. Course requirements are also summarized below except for the detailed weekly program of the course which can be accessed only on the Moodle.



Building: Bécsi u, 96/A. (BA), room: 2.12

Time: see the schedule

Lecturer, course leader

László Horváth professor emeritus:

Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics

(If you are thinking about being PhD student in our doctoral school please contact me.)

John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics

Institute of Applied Mathematics


Course minimum requirements


Assessment is done by evaluation of assignment and presentation about it. Assignment consists of model concept, model definition plan, and model system. Model system is and developed by student individually during dedicated laboratory classes. Model system must be developed in and propagated to the laboratory V6 PLM system in accordance with instructions below!

Course work in distance form

Course work consists of assignment (max. 72 marks and weekly reports (max 28 marks)


Tasks in the assignment and maximum attainable marks at each task are as follows:

1) Elaboration model concept which must include all the objects and their connections (10 marks).

2) Plan of model definition which must include contextual connections of model object parameters (22 marks). Deadline: 6. April 2020.

3) Arbitrarily formatted diagram which follows steps applied at development of model system in accordance with task2 (30 marks).

Models and the represented objects are arbitrary to choose for tasks 1-3. However, models must include mandatory features as below:

Three solid bodies each with five volumetric features of different type. Solids are connected by placing and DOF definitions. Each solid must be built along contextual chains of feature parameters in accordance with task 2.

One of the solids must include surface-based feature. Surface should be defined using two curves at the minimum.

Model must include global driving parameter, constraint, and formula.

4) Presentation (max. 5 slides) about development of model and experiences (10 marks)

5) Send final version of assignment to the course leader in e-mail. Deadline: 5. May 2020.

Weekly reports

Report to assess the student knowledge after studying each topic using teaching material provided for the actual week (See table in detailed course requirements in Moodle) and relevant readings from the Internet. Weekly report includes explanation of three concepts and elaboration of three relevant objects by their parameters and contextual connections relevant to topic scheduled to the actual week (7 weeks x 4 marks each week=28 marks). Send weekly report to the course leader in e-mail. Deadline: end of the actual week.

Distant assistance for course work

Horváth, L.: CAD systems. Presentations and laboratory tasks. Óbuda University, NIK, 2020. Download for each topic from the Moodle or from these pages of course leader. Case studies in these teaching materials includes examples to elaborate the assignment and weekly reports.

In case of questions or request for additional explanations please contact course leader on e-mail.

Skype chats can be organized when students and course leader can agree the time.

When it will necessary short videos can be included for explanation.