Flexible and function
driven shape representations
Subject leader: László Horváth
CSc, PhD, Dr. habil
About the subject
Subject introduces into currently developing shape
representations to fulfill recent new requirements against shape model. In this
way, modeling behavioral functional features, complex rigid-flexible structures,
and organic shapes are characterized, discussed, and exampled.
Purpose and
Subject supports research which requires recent
knowledge about shape centered mathematical modeling and simulation of physical
system. It helps student at research in representation of flexible bodies and
function driven organic shapes.
Issues and topics
advances in boundary representation of shapes.
model in multidisciplinary contextual environment.
system that includes both rigid elements and flexible structures.
flexible bodies using Modelica language.
form features with behaviors.
of flexible body model using principle and method of finite element analysis.
representations, their new characteristics and compatibility with NURBS.
and organic shapes.
of function driven organic shapes.
Shape model for additive and
traditional manufacturing processes.
Laboratory support
Students understand principles,
methods, contextual connections and system issues discussing related issues on
most advanced experimental models. These models are developed for this subject
in the cloud environment of 3DEXPERIENCE system.
Student collects, studies, and
processes recent actual and time-honored classical publications about relevant
research results considering own research plan then submit results of this work
in the form of survey paper. Aim is to collect published knowledge and research
results for the application at student PhD research.