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Full University Professor

Institute of Applied Mathematics

John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics

Óbuda University

(Former Budapest Tech)

For students of my courses

Pages of László Horváth





Publications in the IEEE Xplore

My publications in the year 2015

1. L Horváth, I J Rudas, „Systems Engineering in Product Definition,” in IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Herlany, Szlovákia, 2015. pp. 181-186 (ISBN: 978-1-4799-8220-2; 978-1-4799-8221-9)

2. L. Horváth, I. J. Rudas, “Request Driven Generation of RFLP Elements at Product”, in book Computer Aided Systems Theory-EUROCAST 2015, R. Moreno-Díaz, F. R. Pichler, A. Quesada-Arencibia (Eds.), Springer, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-27339-6 (Print) 978-3-319-27340-2 (Online), pp. 581-588.

3. L Horváth, I J Rudas, “Active Driving Content in RFLP Structured Product Model”, In Recent Advances on Mechanics, Materials, Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, 2015, pp. 123-131, ISBN: 978-1-61804-295-8, ISSN 2227-4596.

4. L Horváth, J Fodor, I J Rudas, „Manufacturing Aspect of the IBCA Structure for Active Knowledge Content Representation in Product Model,” IFAC-PAPERSONLINE 48:(3) pp. 1616-1621. (2015).

5. L Horváth, I J Rudas, „Product Behavior Definition for Element Generation in RFLP Structure,” in book New Trends on System Sciences and Engineering, Hamido Fujita and Shun-Feng Su (Eds), 2015, Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Washington DC, pp. 485 – 498 (ISBN 978-1-61499-521-0 (print) 978-1-61499-522-7 (online), ISSN 0922-6389 (print), 1879-8314 (online)

6. L Horváth, I J Rudas, “Intelligent Content for Product Definition in RFLP Structure,” in book, Springer, Heidelberg, Hamido Fujita and Ali Selamat (Eds), pp 55-70, (ISBN: 978-3-319-17529-4 (Print) 978-3-319-17530-0 (Online), ISSN 1865-0929 (print)

7. L Horváth, I J Rudas, “High Level Abstraction for Product Concept Definition in Virtual Engineering, in proc. of the 2015 IEEE 10th Jubilee International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), Timisoara, Romania, 2015, pp. 283-288.

8. L. Horváth, I. J. Rudas, M. Takács, “Content Representation Structure for Product System Modeling,” in proc. of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2015 (INES 2015), Bratislava, Slovakia, 2015 (978-1-4673-7938-0), pp. 85-90.

9. L. Horváth, I. J. Rudas, “Modeling and Analysis of Requests, Behaviors, and Actions for RFLP Structure,” in proc. of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Hong Kong, China, 2015, (ISBN 978-1-4799-8697-0, DOI 10.1109/SMC.2015.136), pp. 725-730.

10. L. Horváth, “In the Main Stream of Emerging Engineering,” in proc. of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 2015, Budapest, Hungary, (ISBN 978-1-4673-8519-0), pp. 11-20.

Selected invited and plenary talks

Plenary talk, Active Knowledge for the Control of Product Definition, 12th International. Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS '12), Singapore, 2012.

Plenary Talk, A New Paradigm for Experience and Expertise in Intelligent Engineering Systems, IEEE 13th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Barbados, 2009.

Plenary Talk, Virtual Product Definition on the Way Towards Intelligent Engineering,  5th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Timisoara, Romania, 2009.

Tudományos előadás, Testmodellezés, a Magyar Televízió Tudásakadémia c. műsorában, 2005, január-június, több adásban.

Invited talk, Course Model Based Distance Higher Education of Engineering Modeling, 2004 WSEAS/IASME Engineering Education Conference, Venice, Italy, November, 2004

Keynote talk, Advanced Virtual Spaces for Collaboration in Product Modeling, 4th Slovakian - Hungarian Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence (SAMI 2003), Herlany, Slovakia, 2003.

Public lecture, Internet Based Telerobotics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, 2001.

Invited talk, Emerging Intelligent Technologies in Computer Aided Engineering, 1999 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Stara Lesná, Slovakia, 1999.