Advanced Computer Architectures

Available slides

  1. Evolution
    1. Evolution of the ILP processing
    2. A new era in processor evolution
  2. Microarchitecture of superscalars
    1. The design space of superscalars
    2. Instruction fetching
    3. Branch prediction
    4. Decoding
    5. Dynamic instruction issue
    6. Register renaming
    7. Preserving sequential consistency
    8. Basic processor structures
  3. Multicore / multithreaded processors
    1. Multicore / multithreaded processors - Overview (new)
    2. Conventional multicore processors - Overview
    3. Case examples
      1. Evolution of Intel's Basic Microarchitectures (new)
      2. Multicore processors - Intel desktops
      3. Multicore processors - Intel servers
      4. Multicore processors - IBM multicores
    4. Multithreaded processors
    5. GPGPUs (new)
  4. System architecture
    1. System architecture overview
    2. DP/MP server architectures (new)
    3. Motherboards
  5. Main memories (MMs) (notes/background materials) (new)
    1. Macroarchitecture of MMs
    2. Challenges/limiters of parallel connected synchronous MMs
    3. Overall design space of MMs
    4. DRAM devices
    5. Synchronous memory modules
    6. Parallel connected synchronous main memories
    7. Serial connected main memories

Related papers

  1. The End of an Era in Processor Evolution
  2. Decisive aspects in the evolution of processors


At the time being, the slides have different design styles. Slides from the areas I, II and IV are mostly of older style, whereas the other groups include mostly slides of improved layout.