1.4 List the workers name, department ID, their income, and their tax (20% of the income) ordered by their name. 1.5 List those workers (name, job, salary) who have salaries not in the 1500..2850 interval. Use column aliases! 1.6 List those workers (name, job, salary, commission, department ID) who earn more than 1000USD and they joined the company between 1st of March, 1981. and 30th of september, 1981. 1.8 List those workers (ID, name, job, salary, commission) whose commission is bigger than the 50% of their salaries 1.9 List those workers (name, job, salary, income) who joined the company in 1981 and don't have any commission. 1.13 List those workers (name, job) who have the 'man' string in their jobs. The list should be ordered by the name and the jobs. 1.16 List those workers (name and the length of their name) who have 'c' or 'm' as the first letter of their jobs. The name should be formatted: the first letter should be in uppercase, the rest should be non-uppercase. 1.19 List the workers (name, salary) along with their salary categories (1000 USD/category) 2.15 List all the employees sorted by the parity of their ID. Leave out all the workers who entered the company after 1981.