2.16 Count the average commission. 2.17 Create a list with the total number of workers, according to the parity of their ID. 2.22 List the average salary (rounded for one decimals) for each departments. Leave out the workers who joined before 1st of January, 1981, and those departments, where the average is smaller than 1000. Order the list according to the averages, ascending. 2.23 List the number of workers and the average salary for each job. The latter should be represented both numerically and "graphically" as well (200 USD = 1 stars). Order the list according to the number of stars. Don't count the workers who joined before 1982 and don't show the averages that are bigger than 3000. AdventureWorks (Sales.SalesOrderHeader) Calculate the daily/monthly/yearly sum TotalDue We only want to see the top10 days... -------------------------- 2.18 List the number of workers according to salary categories. 2.19 List the minimum worker salary for each boss. Leave out the workers who have no boss, and those bosses, where the minimum salary is bigger than 2000. 2.20 List the average salary for each boss. Leave out the workers who have no boss, and those bosses, where the average salary is bigger than 3000. Order the list by the averages. 2.24 List the number workers grouped by the number of months they worked in the company. We'd like to see the months they worked for the company, numerically and "graphically" as well (5 years = 1 hash-tags). Order the list according to the months. Leave out the lines where the number of workers is below 2. -------------------------- AdventureWorks (Person.Addresses) List the number of addresses per city! Exclude the addresses with two lines, and only show cities with more than one addresses! Order the list by the number of addresses, descending! (Production.Product) List the average ListPrice for every product color. Only include the products where both the color and the listprice is a valid value. (Sales.SalesOrderDetail) Determine the sum quantity and sum LineTotal for all products!