1. Show the prodcts with the biggest sales: in descending order, display the sum quantities and the sum revenues too 2. For all orders, display the SalesOrderID + OrderTotal values, calculated using three approaches: A) SalesOrderHeader.SubTotal B) SUM(OrderQty*UnitPrice) ; SUM(LineTotal) C) SUM(OrderQty*ListPrice) 3. Display the FIRST most common shipping city's name where the *NAME* of the shipping city and the invoice city is different 4. Create full (CUBE) analysis about the product quantities according to the name of the MAIN product category and the shipping city ----------------- EXTRAS (empdept) 1. List all people who have the two minimum salaries for every job! 2. Determine the average income grouped by the location and the job! 3. Determine the average income grouped hierarchically by the location and the job! 4. Determine the average income grouped by all possible combinations of the location and the job fields! 5. List the maximum incomes grouped by the location and the job; and grouped by the job only! 6. List all workers' name, salary, their bosses name and the value that specifies the ratio between the workers' salary and the sum salary of all the workers for his boss! 7. List all workers' name, job, their departments' location and the value that specifies the ratio between the workers' salary and the sum salary of all the workers for his department! 8. Create a rank of the workers based on the difference between the workers salary and the average salary of their job! 9. Anyone who earns more than 10% of the sum salary of the company should be fired. List everyone who will be fired!