Expect longer questions/free text answers - Types of data models (hierarchical, tree, relational) - Basic units of the RDBMS systems (table, column, record) - Types of relations between entities/tables in an RDBMS (1:1, 1:N, N:M – and the implementation of those in SQL tables) - Types of keys in RDBMS tables (PK, FK, Unique, Simple, Complex) - Elements of an ER diagram (entity, field, relation; examples) - Purpose of normalization, anomalies (insertion, deletion, update) - Normalization levels: base model .. BCNF - Verification of dependency preserving decomposition: axioms, steps - Verification of lossless decomposition: steps using the field-matrix/chase approach - SQL: object types (database, schema, table, view, cursor, procedure, function, trigger, user, role) - SQL: list and purpose of sub-languages (DQL, DDL, DML, TCL, DCL), main commands, main dialects, main suffixes - SQL: Constraint types (PK, FK, UNIQUE, NOT NULL, CHECK, identity/auto_increment/serial/sequence) - SQL: Types of table joins (inner, right outer, left outer, full outer, cross apply, outer apply) - SQL: Purpose and usage of GROUP BY, GROUPING SETS, CUBE, ROLLUP... - SQL: How and why to use aggregate functions with analytical closures? - OLTP vs OLAP comparison: use cases, differences - What is a star schema? - Logical/Physical layers of an RDBMS; ORM layeing - SQL in programming: Raw SQL access + avoid SQL injection; ORM philosophy - OOP and RDBMS: class relations (association, aggregation, composition), how to implement these in SQL (HAS-A / PART-OF) - OOP and RDBMS: class inheritance approaches in SQL mappings: single table/class table/concrete table/generic - Transaction management, ACID vs CAP vs PACELC - NoSQL avantages/VVVC, some database vendors and examples (no syntax required!) - NoSQL database types and use cases (search engine, graph, column, key-value, document db) - Database heap files: files vs pages; RAID levels (0, 1, 5) - Index properties (clustered/unclustered, dense/sparse, PK/FK/unique, simple/composite) - Goals and elements and differences: Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus - What is the difference between the procedural and the declarative approach? Prcedural engine use cases in RDBMS systems? - Elements of the procedural execution: use cases/examples for sequences, procedures, functions, triggers